Leadership Essential
Leadership Essential Training Course Outline & Contents
Course Provider- Login4ITES Network
Price 26000/-
Managing employees may be a science but leading them is an art. Leaders in complex business environments require a multitude of essential skills to face the various situations that may arise. They need to be able to motivate, empower, and influence individuals.
They require the skills to communicate mission, vision, and value statements, as well as to lead innovation and adapt to changing business climates. They must have a critical understanding of organizational politics and emotional intelligence. To further their own development in these skills, leaders need a carefully designed personal leadership development plan.
The Leadership Essentials learning path prepares individuals to develop and apply these skills in the context of their own experience, and ultimately integrate them into their own work environment.
- Motivating your Employees
- Communicating Vision to your Employees
- Leading Through Positive Influence
- Leveraging Emotional
- Communicating a Shared Vision
- Leader as Motivator
- The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
- Motivating Human Behavior
- Key Elements of Business Execution
- Building Innovation Cultures And Leaders
- Leading Your Team Through Change
- Building Leadership Development Plan
- Aligning Units goal and Imperatives
- Knowing when to take leadership risks
- Wanted Invocation Leaders
- Leading Team Through Change
- Leading Invocation
- Developing a Business Execution Culture
- Leading Change
All Students will get a certificate upon successful completion of courses.
- The Course Subscription Validity Period is for 6 or 12 Months respectively
- The Credential will be shared of this course within 48 hours of course enrollment.